
Organization and Partners

Film still: PIK-NIK, dir. Arko Datto (India).

Who We Are


Up untill May 2020 the board had the following members: Chair: Adrienne van Heteren, Director Small Media Foundation London Treasurer: Marischka Leenaers, Consultant in fundraising and sponsoring Foreign Affairs Member: Marry de Gaay Fortman, Partner Houthoff Member: Cees van ‘t Hullenaar, Festival Director IDFA Member: Orwa Nyrabia, Artistic Director IDFA

In order to strengthen the overall organisation and future ambitions of IDFA as an institute changes were implemented in the organisation of the Fund. The board of Foundation IDFA and Foundation IDFA Fund now have the same members, while each foundation has its own management. In June 2020 a new board for the IDFA Bertha Fund took chair, consisting of the following members:

Chair: Marry de Gaay Fortman, Partner Houthoff Secretary: Marischka Leenaers, Consultant in fundraising and sponsoring Foreign Affairs Treasurer: Michael Kembel, Finance Professional Member: Femke van der Laan, Writer and Journalist Member: Henk Siebren de Jong, CEO of the Philips Domestic Appliances business of Royal Philips Member: Joumana El Zein Khoury, Director of the Prins Claus Fund


Managing Director: Isabel Arrate Fernandez

Project Manager: Mélanie de Vocht Producer: Félicie Crijns


IDFA Bertha Fund is supported by:

Contact details

Email |

Address | Frederiksplein 52, 1017 XN Amsterdam

Phone | +31 (0)20 627 33 29


Text: Mélanie de Vocht, Isabel Arrate Fernandez, Félicie Crijns

Production: Félicie Crijns, Mélanie de Vocht

Interviews: Edo Dijksterhuis, Vladan Petkovic Translation and redaction: Mark Baker, Roxanne Merell Graphic design: Theo Imhoff Photography: Roger Cremers, Coen Dijkstra, Jurre Rompa, Thomas Schlijper, Roos Trommelen

Film still: Casas Muertas, dir. Rosana Matecki (Venezuela).